You know the song. That old tune by Kris Kristofferson which Johnny did so well. I am listening to it right now and my playlist of tunes with the word "Sunday" in the title.
There's Maroon 5 with 'Sunday Morning', Keith Urban with 'Rainin' on Sunday'... (should be snowin' on Sunday!) Yes, it's snowing here; and I am up very early.
Woke up feeling a bit lonely. You see, I should be on a trip to Vegas right now. I should be waking up at my little brother's house, visiting and laughing, heading down to my mom and dad's next. Oh well. Circumstances did not permit a trip at this time.
I had to be mucho mature about making this decision cause I just wanted to go and see people I love and drink a beer with my friend down at the RiRa pub at the Mandalay Bay. (Obviously having a hard time letting it go. So disappointed.)
But today is Sunday. The first day of the week. A day of rest and hopeful planning for the next several days. There is much preparation for The Theologian and her hubby to come for their Christmas visit. Also, Nurse Child turns twenty next Sunday! Yep. No more teenagers at our house...
Construction Man is staining trim boards and I have been trying to tape off and paint the trim in and around the bathroom. Still finishing up the remodel from last May. Oh my! We are making a little headway coming down the homestretch. So many details.
Hank and Addy are enjoying and enduring the colder temps and snow flurries. Hank has so much fur he is just fine racing around the yard reclaiming it from the cat all day long. Addy is cozy in her fur coat as well turning her hind end and tucking her head right after her green breakfast of champions. She lays down every morning for her nap. So spoiled...
Another Sunday morning. There really is nothing wrong. Just feeling a bit lonely for some family lovin'! Just a few people missing this holiday season. :( We'll get by.


