Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ready or Not

Ready or not here comes the new year. I am finding so many things happen just like this. They take place whether I am ready or not. I always hated that part of tag when we played the game as kids. It made me mad. I am generally not ready!

Just ask Construction Man. He will often go for a ride before we go for a ride, just waiting on me to finish getting ready in the morning.

Ready or not a loved one gets cancer. Ready or not a baby is born. Ready or not the lease is up or the bank forecloses on the house. Ready or not someone forgives and sets themselves free from the prison of not forgiving... or not. Ready or not a person's love grows cold and they walk away. Ready or not love finds us again.

There are many attributes I love about God, but this one is for sure and for certain: Romans 5:6 reads: "For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly."

God's timing is always perfect, whether we are ready or not. That's called trust in His sovereignty. Some days I find this difficult to do. Some days I am stronger in my faith. Ready or not I accept His will for my life today.

So, bring it on... 2012. I'm sure I'll get the date wrong and be scratching it off documents and checks for a month or two. (Yes, sometimes I still write checks.) But, I will adjust. I'm going to have to-- cause here it comes ready or not.


His promises are all yes and amen.

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