Sunday, April 8, 2012

Resurrection Sunday

I know it's late and most of you have gone to bed. Pretty much everyone around here has done the same, and then I remembered I had not posted today.

Today was Resurrection Sunday. Easter. My favorite holiday. But it is definitely more than that to me. When I look at the empty cross, the empty grave and the fullness of my heart I am again amazed. Amazed at what God has done for a no name sinner such as myself. Jesus called me by name, He lifted my head, He hung on that cross for me, He paid the penalty for my sin, for the sins of us all and went to hell and back so we don't have to. WOW! Now that's a great story.

My kids keep hammering me for my opinion on Hunger Games. "Mom" they retort, "You don't understand. The world is evil, life is hard!" "You need to keep reading. It gets better." I think to myself, it sure couldn't get any worse! I wonder who they think their talking to. Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?!!

Oh well. I can tell better stories, hopeful stories, to young teens and help them to walk through the rough places of their lives (trust me I know how rough it can get,) than take them to depths of hopelessness and evil, and fill their minds with junk like this Collins lady.

The Bible is full of human drama--good, bad and ugly. It is also filled with absolute truth and an eternal solution. The world is evil. Life is hard. However, death is beaten, sin is beaten. Christ won today, forever. PERIOD. The ending is glorious. Can't wait to get there.

Thank you for the cross, Lord.

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