After a busy weekend with a wedding of some from our youth group, and a benefit for a member of our church family in Red Lodge, I feel as though I have come full circle. In fact, that verbiage was used several times this weekend in response to "Where are you now?"
Full circle. Back on Rd. 8. I also keep saying, "Everything is as it should be."
Another word that keeps circling my mind is, "The new normal" and "Are you too proud to start again?"
One thing I do know about myself is that I am teachable. However, Addy reminds me much of her master in that it takes a few go-arounds and a bit of coaxing before she finally responds without hesitation. I have taught her to do this. This morning is the forth day of administering Bute for her swelling and she actually stood on the first try, knowing that it was going to be administered with or without her cooperation.
We can make this easier on ourselves to begin to trust God for His will to be done in our lives. It's for our good and His glory. I cannot trace His hand, but I do know His heart. He is good and He loves us very much. The Bible tells me so.
"To arrive where we started and to know the place for the first time." My eyes have been renewed. My heart has been bolstered by love. I am ready to know the place for the first time, even though I am sure I have been here before! I'm not too proud to start over. This just keeps getting better and better.
There's no place like home.

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