Thursday, July 5, 2012


"But the experience of joy is different, deeper, because it knows the whole story."
~~Sheila Walsh

In reading "Honestly" by Sheila Walsh, I have found her experience of coming through depression to be uplifting and honest!

I love joy, though not opposed to happiness, but have found a unique difference and Sheila's words seem to sum it up as best as I can find anywhere.

There is peace with joy. Happiness has an expectant nature to it. Maybe happiness is like a relative of joy, a young, inexperienced relative, flitting around and luring us into places of torture as we try to pursue it rather than resting in it.

Joy seems to find us. We try to find happiness.

Joy in a job well done.

Joy in relationships.

But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace....
It's no wonder that joy would be sandwiched between love and peace.
Enjoy your life today.
You have God's permission.

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