I am happy for my parents to live in their beautiful home, peacefully retired after lifelong service to their children/family! Having said all that, I realize now that my parents never stopped serving their children. They still love each of us with such deep and lasting love. They are amazing examples of how a parent does love their children. Thank you, Dad and Mom.
Oh, Mom! How does a daughter convey her love in a paragraph of simple words. I don't believe I possess the capabilities nor mastery of the English language to do our love enough justice!
I shall start with 'thank you.' Thank you to God for placing me in your care. How you lovingly and dutifully fed me, clothed me, bathed me, taught me, encouraged me and exampled to me a good mother so that your grand daughters could benefit as well. A mother's legacy of love handed down. God knew you would rise to this honorable calling of motherhood with the nobility of the fiercest of warriors. After all, what mother, like a grizzly sow, would not fight anyone or anything that might come between she and her cub? And this is how you defend your children. We have always known that we were loved with a fierce love! Thank you.
The word tenderness comes to my mind. I've watched you navigate some very rough waters over the years, and I recognize that face of utter concern when situations are at their most serious. I have watched you love my siblings through very difficult times and that only reinforces the fact that you are there for me in the same capacity. Thank you.
Your hugs, words of wisdom and encouragement carry great weight in my decision making. You have always said that I could do anything I put my mind to. Thank you for that. I still believe you and therefore I will continue to try!
I've watched you love my dad with complete forgiveness and strength that I am not sure even you know you possess. You have more "try" than anyone I have ever met. An unsurpassed determination to make things right... Therefore, I try harder to make this world a better place as far as it is concerned with me. Thank you.
You are Fancy Nancy! You are gorgeous, with impeccable taste in hair, make-up and clothing. I always tell the story of how each day, at the time dad would be coming home from work you would fix up a bit, no matter what chore you were in the middle of (and there were many!), to greet him at the door looking lovely.
Not to mention your taste in music! And this also a gift you passed on to your children! We all love music because you used to put Johnny Rivers, Tom Jones, Barbara Streisand, and Bob Seger on the stereo and we would dance around the living room (and shout off the deck!) You are an amazing singer.
As you can see, Mom, you have filled my life with life. I can't even begin to tell of all you have done for me, inside and out. I just know that I love you and need you. We will be together soon for the joyous occasion of your grandson's wedding. I can hardly wait to hug you.

Your old car
Me and Addy
Family lovin'
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