This is a pict of my beautiful flowers my Dad and Mom sent for my bday today!! Aren't they just lovely?
Yep. Today I am fifty one years of age. I made it through being fifty. I must admit that I've had a 'failblog' with 365daysof50 the last few weeks with all the happenings around here.
I was the facilities coordinator for our local pregnancy resource center. We had a huge banquet last Thursday night with 224 people in attendance. Lots of financial support was given and the keynote speaker was the sweetest little gal. She had quite a message of hope and life.
Construction Man has been going to town on the finish work of the home renovations. We did have to replace the dishwasher. Lots of trim, porch lights, cleaning out garages and sorting... again! Does it never end? Guess I have to stop bringing stuff home!
Then to top it all off, the weather has been very warm; and a cowgirl must ride her horse while fall breezes pile up golden, leafy drifts. Addy tromps so gingerly through the cracklings. I had her shoes pulled and her feet trimmed up real nice. She has been such a trooper this past summer. As I have noted all she has learned, I am looking to myself and the growth I have incurred this past year as well.
In many things I have had to decide to "grow up" and move forward as opposed to kicking and screaming, and reverting to childhood reactions! Yes, we do get to choose which direction we will be taking.
Don't worry. My first inclination is to take ahold of that bit, bow my neck and run my own direction. But wisdom reminds me of how that worked out in the past. So, my new strategy is to actually stop, think, pray, wait and move more meticulously/cautiously than before. See--I can be taught!
I really need to go and get ready for the day, but I want to tell you one more short story.
While rummaging this morning for a table cloth to cover the card table, two brand new dish towels fell out at my feet. They were a gift from my sister for my birthday two years ago. Funny, I was just complaining that I needed some new dish towels yesterday. And the sweetest thing is that they are flour sack, (my favorite!) and they are covered with printed chickens of all kinds. I didn't cry. I just thanked God for the gift, knowing the lovely hands that sent them in the first place.
I am thankful for sweet memories and the promise of seeing our loved ones again someday real soon.
I love you, my family. Have a great day. Eat lots of food, be glad and enjoy the love and relationships we all share. I think of each of you so fondly and am a very blessed woman. This much I am sure of.
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