Zac is singing: "Don't let this moment pass, live inside this day."
That's easier said than done.
Some days are a diamond and some days are a stone. Going on about the 25th day of it being a stone... Tired of living this way! Gotta find a way to change this up. I'm praying.

Been reading this book for a few days.
The author Brett states: "God is in each of us, in the midst of every tragedy and problem. It's up to us to call forth our greatest light and love and be the miracle, right here, right now."
OK. And when the miracle doesn't match our definition of a miracle? Then what?
Then GOD.
How's that for circular reasoning? (As long as He is at the center!) Just saying.
He is sovereign. He is just. He is merciful. He is forgiving. He is good.
His will be done today.
And I will try to live inside this day.
(the key word here is live.)
... but that is a topic for another day!
I took this pict up the North Fork, Cody, WY last summer. The promise of better things to come.