Nothing like a clean slate; a new morning; a new week; new mercies and compassions that fail not from the Lord!
What will this year bring?
I rode Addy yesterday after her three week break. Been so darned cold up here in Wyoming and all the kids were home for the Christmas season. This mom's time was filled with many preparations, chores and love!
Even though it was only 14 degrees I saddled her up and took a spin. She came back strong remembering my hands and legs and even letting Nurse Child walk her about. Such a great little horse. :)
What will this year bring?
God's will to be done in our lives is the best that we can hope for.
We stand at a cross roads today with Construction Man finished in North Dakota, and he and his brother wrapping up their business together. (They both want to do something different.)
We have checked out various properties from Washington to Minnesota; even locally, on Heart Mountain.
I can't wait to see what the next adventure will be.
My prayer is for my family to remain healthy and also to be able to spend a lot more time with my brother and my mom and dad.
I have been blessed. I have a loving husband, great daughters, wonderful parents, a sweet little bro, good inlaws, a warm house, nourishing food, health, fun filled friends, a horse and saddle, a guitar to make music, a wild ass dog--HANK, and a big, BIG GOD who loves us all very much.
I know He has the plan for the new year. For this I am grateful, cause if I was in charge things would certainly go awry.
I gotta go. There are dishes in the sink, laundry on the floor, unmade beds-- all denoting that we have eaten well, worn clothes, and slept peacefully/comfortably!
It's already shaping up to be a great 2013.
Father and daughters...
my anniversary/ Christmas present!
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