And handsome.... oh my! His eyes sparkled and his laugh was contagious. He was always there for the underdog, taking care of people just the way we are supposed to be.
David was very sensitive and it never seemed like he belonged in this world--almost like he was an old soul that knew way too much.
I loved my big brother... I love him still. And I know he loved our family very much.
He once wrote a poem. I think it was in the fifth grade. I still remember it...
"I have a dog, he's black and tan;
and it's been said he's best friend of man.
He has long ears that drag the ground,
and my dad says he's a huntin' hound.
But when we're out on the rabbit trail
there's one thing that we find:
Old Rover ain't way out in front--
he always walks behind."
Cutie Petutie!
I'm in the middle. Right where I should be!
Here's a fish for you! I remember the pike heads you used to nail to my barn wall on Susan Lake!
Good pictures, he was such a cute little boy!