I look forward to riding, cooking and singing... probably not all at the same time but perhaps in that order!
I will go up to Kelly's house tomorrow to solidify the eats and head for the sprawling metropolis of Billings next week for groceries.
I'll be making ribs, beans and cornbread the first night, pancakes, french toast and biscuits and gravy for breakfasts, cold cuts, fruits and cheeses for lunches, shepherds pie and sloppy joes the other two evenings. I will do many preparations in advance as I don't think we can have a campfire up there due to the extreme drought conditions. :(
I got the ole Guild guitar restrung today. I restrung Nurse Child's as well. She bought a Fender acoustic last summer and is teaching herself to play. She loves Mumford and Sons. They are a bluegrass/folk/rock band from the UK. We love their tunes. Even Construction Man sings along!

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