Everyone ate in abundance, laughed and rode their mounts just the same. We traveled a little over thirty miles in three days and saw some of the most beautiful country. The kids that were in attendance had a blast racing around the wilderness unhitched from computers, video games and the like. They were free to be children in the purest of environments with so much love and encouragement by the adults that were there.
We had folks from England, Australia and Germany. It was great fun trading stories and traditions, and just plain sweet getting to know one another as we rode along following the four wagons hitched to their magnificent teams. (I don't need to tell you how amazing the horse is... One of God's greatest creatures!) It was quite a caravan of thirty five people.
The dirt under my nails will take time to wear off, the bruises on my legs will fade, the sunburned cheeks and arms will heal, but I hope the memories will be vivid and alive for the rest of my life.
EPIC! This is how this trip will be remembered. Everyone safe, home and back to work-- with a plan to do it all over again next year.
You should make a plan to go next time!
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