Oh, forgive me sweet child. You must know I love you more than my own life. :)
Where does a mother's loving thoughts begin with that oldest daughter. The one she has known the longest out of all her children! The one that kept her company in those earlier years when the dad was out of town earning a living for his little family. The one who knows every word to every early Garth Brooks tune. The one who could read before she could read! The one who understands more than even she understands that she understands.
Is it hard being you, Theologian? Gifts given by God that will not reveal themselves before their time has come. Patience!
You have blessed this family more than words can say. You have loved us all so well with your perfect smile and infectious laughter. You giggle at just the right time, always. You never fail to please... another one of your best traits. You try so hard in every task and I've never seen you quit, unless forced to do so! This determination runs deeper than the strongest of currents. I am just sure you're going to need someday, somehow.
The tears choke my throat, as I miss you terribly and long to hug your neck! I know this road you are on right now doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But, in due time you will see why.
How do I convey how much I love you?
I don't know. But I do. We all love you... a huge cloud of witnesses cheering you on. Run the race well, daughter. It's gonna be worth it.
Happy Birthday, Austin Claire Whitlock Hackworth.
This year's party would have been even better!! :)
Thanks, made my day :) I love you so much! Thanks for always being there, for sharing in my laughter, and commiserating with me too. You are my best friend :)