In the last year and a half of my life I have proven this statement true by the sheer quietness that surrounds me.
You may think that I am always busy, but alas I am not. There is much down time. Time to reminisce. Time to weed the garden. Time to do the dishes. Time to take care of minor details and major ones. Time to write out a birthday card for a nephew or niece. Seems like I am doing more of what I should be doing, and less of what I have dreamed up to please other people.
I feel as though I am coming through the grief of losing family members and that I am ready to embrace the second calling, or second half of my life again. I realize that nothing has changed in the world, but the changes are happening inside of me.
I got off of the carousel for a time. I put an end to the madness. I went back to my roots. Broke a horse, got a puppy to love and stayed home more. This year we really went all the way back to where we began nineteen years ago by coming home to Road 8. I planted a lush garden, got a part time job within our community and received mail in the usual place. I have cooked more again, very much loved on my hubby and kids and basically went back to basics.
I no longer feel barren and cold. I am warmed by the rays of autumn and the joy of an ordinary life. There is peace in being who we are...who we were created to be. I look forward to the holidays. I love the fall. Cool air and warm sun. Reminds me of riding my first horse, Candy, through our woods and by our lake in Northern Michigan. I just couldn't wait to get off that school bus and get outside before it got dark. With no saddle and our dog Pete following along, we'd ride through the crackling leaves, taking in the aroma of the black dirt turned up by my mare's hooves. The lake would be still as the earth prepared for a long winter's nap.
"To everything, there is a season." ~~ God
Everything belongs in this day. God will add or leave out what is necessary. His purpose for us remains: To love Him and glorify Him forever. We do so by simply being ourselves. Season after season of life...

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