Wedding venues? Really? Is it time to let another of my precious babies go into their life of womanhood? Of wifely duties, home care and children of their own. Seasons of life; cycles in every lifetime. The human experience in which all mankind shares. 'Nothing new under the sun' is how King Solomon describes it.
Construction Man has been home since Monday evening. It is so joyful at the start and becomes cloudier as the week progresses. Emotions flare in preparation for his departure once again. I hate this! You'd think after all these years we would be better at good byes. NOT!
He accomplished a good many tasks toward completion of the renovated kitchen this go'round. His handcrafted, concrete countertops are installed with the open, stainless steel shelving in place, full of plain white porcelain dishes and stainless bowls.
The exterior walls are sheeted and receiving their white paint today. No more TYVEK plastic glaring at front door guests.
I am planning for the fall decor at the front door as well. So many pumpkins have matured in the garden out the back gate. I can't wait to get my hands on them and create some MarthaStewartesque scenes!
Enjoy the last notes of summer. September has opened and is already beginning her descent into October. Where does the time go? I ask myself this question often.
Oh, and call your mother if you can. Sorry, Mom! I got carried away with all the wifely duties this week. :)
Tell someone how special they are and that you love them.
It's all gonna be worth it.

Go Martha!

Northern Michigan
Nurse Child and Fiance
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