Saturday, January 7, 2012

Isn't that just like Him...

We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us;
we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.
~~C. S. Lewis

My first modeling gig!

I'm know for a fact I have two huge fans--my mom and dad! Isn't it great how parents can stand back from their child's life and see such beauty and potential, but the child cannot see it. You can tell your daughter everyday of her life that she is special, that she "can do it!" and that she has what it takes. But, that person has to find out such things for herself. She has to have her own successes and failures and develop her own moxie and flair.

Each of us has to navigate the waters of life and trials of this world. We have to decide what we'll put up with or what we won't. Sometimes this can take a long time. Some of us get it quicker, arrive "there" faster, but some of us hesitate, counting the cost, wondering if it will all be worth it when we are finished. Others just plain believe the scoffers and let our doubts rule. Sadly, most never go on to dream, act on some of those dreams, and be content with the joy offered on every given day.

"The cost of indecision is a mundane life, filled with regrets at it's closing."
~~ Construction Man

So,today, you have God's permission to live. He will do His best for us. He already has through His Son. We are free to dream, love, forgive, hope, plan, work and be at peace. Don't be afraid. It's a given: this life is gonna hurt. But it's in the pain that we grow stronger and deeper in our faith in God and realize our full potential.

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