Monday, January 2, 2012

So, What's it Gonna Be?

I have been plagued with a nagging, persistent thought life. Better yet, an imagination that does not quit. A determined train of thought that just keeps rolling, chugging, steaming through my life day and night! It's full of what-ifs and overcommunication with people sometimes presence and most times not. This mind demands to know the rest of the story--"What did she say?" "What happened next?" "What did he say?" "Then what did they do?" I'm sure it stems from great insecurity as a younger girl. But mostly because I love to read, write, and play music. I am inspired by nature in the most peculiar ways and training animals, growing things and smelling smells enlivens my brain beyond comprehension!

Here's my main thought for the past few days: "What am I going to be/do for the next twenty to thirty years?"

I apologize to every youth to whom I have posed this question. How daunting, even at the age of 50, that one should actually have to pick something, one thing, anything, out of this big, beautiful, mysterious, dangerous, incredible world to do for the rest of your days. Perhaps that is why I have so many college credits in so many different areas! I hate the old cliche "jack of all trades, master of none," but this is often how I think of myself. (However, being a homeschool mom, this came in quite handy.)

There have been a few colleges in the last few days contacting me to finish an online degree in business administration. Tempting...

"The length of our days is seventy years-- or eighty if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. ...teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

This Psalm 90 is a good one to start out the new year. If read and understood from start to finish, it's reassuring to know that the God of the the universe, the One and Only, the God of all is in control. To focus on Him is to begin well. To remain focused on Him no matter what comes down the pike, is to finish well. That is to 'number our days aright.' He'll teach us how...

"...yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90:17

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