Sunday, January 15, 2012

A New Week Starting Today

Well, today is Sunday. The month of January is half over. Amazing! It's not a matter of looking back to see what's happened yesterday, but a matter of looking ahead to today and tomorrow.

I often say of myself that I am teachable. I honestly do believe that I can learn--I can be taught. Then a hard lesson comes along and I bow my neck! I eventually give in and try to see the truth and what I can do to further the truth in any given situation. But sometimes my pride or past wounds interfere.

God is faithful to lead me if I submit my will. I have always been labeled as very determined. That I have spunk and spirit! It's true. If you hang around long enough you might hear me say: "Let's do something... even if it's wrong!!"

I came across a quote the other day: "It is possible to learn from an enemy things we can't learn from a friend." There is always something to be taken from any given situation in our lives. Even if it's how not to do something.

"It takes a world with trouble in it to train men and women for their high calling as children of God."

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." ~~Jesus Christ

I'm learning to live in the moment. Take things as they come and realize that the past is gone and done. Yep, today is Sunday. The first day of whatever comes from this moment. Bring it on! Let's do something... :)

Already gone!

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