Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Construction Man Moving Right Along

Just a few photos of the radiant heat tubes and subfloor prepared for concrete. They poured it just in time for the big spring snow storm and wet, wet, wetness of cold temps and a fair amount of precipitation.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Picts...

one of my favorite hymns...

our barn...

favorite fruit, poached in a white wine sauce and served with raspberry puree

my mom's old car...

Construction Man and Nurse Child...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

One Hundred Fifty Blogs!

Today we hit the 150 mark with the blogging... WAHOO! (Not sure what this means except that I have missed the 365 day mark by quite a long shot!)

Who, except God, could have known how this fiftieth year of life would be going? I for one am happy to be along for the ride, enjoying my family and the blessings that are given each day. I have my health, I'm am loved and there is much laughing going on! Not to mention how well fed we are, wearing clothes and shoes that never seem to wear out. I used to tell the youth group that each breath we take is a gift. So, right now, right where you are at, take a deep breath and as you slowly blow it out say, "Thank you!" There is much life to be lived, right now... today.

Speaking of riding... I am heading up to Montana today to ride with my dear friend. She and her son have an amazing wagon train business call "Carriaged Away." They have some great rides planned this summer and I get to go along to cook and sing and wrangle. I'll let you know more when the time gets closer. Maybe you want to come along?

This is Duncan Vezain, my friend's son. He is a horse trainer extraordinaire!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Garage Cheesecake...

Did you know that you can make the most moist, delicious cheesecake in your turkey roaster? Yes, it's true! Also, you don't need a gourmet kitchen to do so... you really don't even need a kitchen to eat well.

My new cookbook will be entitled:

"Down Home Garage Cooking with Chopped Champion Diane Whitlock"

... it's a lengthy title, but worth the ink to print it.

All you really need for fresh, wholesome meals are a grill, a microwave, and a turkey roaster. Oh, and a utility sink to clean up the mess!

Roaster ovens... they're not just for turkey anymore!
But seriously, it is the best darn cheesecake I have ever made.

The hot water bath that surrounds the spring form pan and the yumminess inside are the secrets to moist and delish!!

Next, we will haul out the dutch oven and get some briquettes smokin' hot...

This is going to be a summer of cooking we'll never forget.

Bon Appetite!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, Monday...

Here it is again... oh wait... here it goes again. Monday... guess you gotta start somewhere!

I worked at "Chopped" today, planted my sister-in-law's tomatoes and peppers (well almost all the pepper plants,) took care of some banking, watered my barrels, garden and lawn, cooked waffles for dinner, kissed the Beautician good bye as she heads back to school for the week, took care of Construction Man and what he needed today, longed Addy, rubbed down her legs, let Hank the Cowdog in and out of his kennel, bought rhubarb, planted my hen and chicks, shoveled out the stall and the kennel, got the mail and now I'm getting ready for bed.

As my dad always says, "Tomorrow is a new day."

Jesus always says, "Tomorrow has enough trouble of its own."

Annie sang, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow; you're always a day away."

I hope Monday doesn't leave and not take me. ~~Mammas and the Poppas

I'm ready for Tuesday.

"Good bye Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you..." ~~Rolling Stones

Any songs for Wednesday? Guess we'll wait and see what pops up!

My old wheelbarrow full of gerbers and white, lacy flowers.
Addy coming for a treat. She is a sugar hound.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Four Questions...

"All that mattered boiled down to a few basic questions. Who do I love? Who will I miss? What have I done with my life? Am I ready for what's next? Ever since that day, I've tried to live with those questions more at the forefront." ~~Philip Yancy

This is a quote from Yancy's book "What Good is God?"

He was in an accident and on a gurney for several hours waiting to see if an artery was going to split inside. He could die instantly. The hospital staff gave him his cell phone to call his wife and family to say his goodbyes if need be. He said during those seven hours he lay there, he realized how much of his life was focused on trivial things. At that point he said he was certainly not thinking about how many books he sold, what kind of car he drove (which was headed for the junkyard anyway) or how much money he had in his bank account.

I have read this book once before, but thought I would read it again. It is a recap of some of the talks/lectures he has given over the years to the survivors of tragedies that happen to and atrocities committed against mankind. He tries to solve the age old question: "What good is God?" For those who love God, and I do, the title seems harsh. But it gets your attention. With his words, Yancy does a great job bringing comfort and healing to hurting people... which I believe includes us all.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Today is my little brother's birthday. He is the baby in our family. No, really, he is the baby!! I was the baby for seven years and then my mom showed up at the log house in Boulder Park with this black haired, squawking, peeing (inside joke!), wiggling boy. I was mad for years about him taking my rightful position in the family. That he would be the one who would garner all the attention because of his sweet, sweet chubbiness, massive amounts of curly hair, and perfect disposition as the baby of the Gerald Johnson clan.

I used to marvel at how much attention he really did receive from my older sister. She thought he was hers or something... like she would walk right past me to get to him. I just knew I had been replaced.

But I'm sure, (cause I really don't remember,) that it didn't take long for me to realize just how special this little man was! That he really was absolutely gorgeous! And he still is today!

A wonderful brother, an amazing husband who works hard for his family, and loves his wife and four children immensely. He takes care of all of us with his quick wit, great sense of humor and his ornery streak. (That's from being the spoiled baby.)

Now I am glad that it was him and not me because there is not one ornery bone in my body. :) :) :0

Matt, words cannot declare with the fervor I feel inside about how much I adore you, admire you and want all that is good and right for you!

You rock and I love you, little Bro, with all my heart. Hope your day is amazing.

The Theologian, my oldest, and her Uncle Matt. (Where's all that lush, curly, black hair now?) Just teasing!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Dirt, dust... lots of dust! And, this must be the year of the moth. We had a huge hatch of millers which are in everything. Especially my kitchen/garage!

I don't mind a few (thousand) millers, but it's the big spiders that are starting to appear out of the shadows. And how 'bout those wasps building nests everywhere. I got me a very large bottle of hornet spray and they are going down!

Demolition is moving along slowly. Rebuilding appears to be the same. Patience are thin, frustration is high and prayers seem fewer these days.

If you think of us all, say a prayer. Thanks.

Both of our dads are going to the hospital today for more treatments and observations on their various cancers. Sad. This really seems to bother me the most when I get down to it. Precious people, and two men we love and adore. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys today. Love you so much.

My Daddy and our nephew Ty.
Construction Man's daddy and our nephew Breckyn.

I love the woman at the well in the book of John, chapter four. She replies to Jesus, "Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep."

We are very short sighted in this lifetime. Things are not as they appear. Oh how Jesus must have appeared to her, tired and sitting on the ground by the well. Little did she know that He was God incarnate, with a divine appointment to love on her that day. Little did she know that He was/is the well of living water. I could sure use some reviving today, Lord! Everything is a shambles and seems pretty impossible. Overwhelming really. I'm happy to report that God is bigger than my problems today. For the Bible tells me so...

I just know things are gonna get better.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Mother, My Friend

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:25-26

My Mom... who has loved me to the last? Who has taken the time to teach me so many things in life and love. Who has shown me sacrifice with such honesty and fervor. My mother is the greatest. She has modeled unselfishness all of her life. She is strong and works till the work is done. She can clean a mean house, cook the tastiest meals in the land and still have enough patience and time for each of her children.

Oh how could I ever begin to thank you? My children adore you... My dad adores you... I adore you!

You bring me peace and strength in times of difficulty, and lately that has been all the time! Thank you.

I can't wait to be together again and laugh and cry and hash over the affairs of the world!

You rock, MOM! I love you with all of my heart.
Mom preparing our dinner.

A bouquet of pink roses for you!!

Sunday Stills--Saturday Demolition

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Take me away...

"I said, "I wanna touch the earth, I want to break it in my hands, I wanna grow up something wild and unruly..."
~~ Dixie Chicks

Been doing some serious planting around the 2 acre ranchette here in Northwest Wyoming! Got five rows of corn, two rows of onions, one row of zinnias, several rows of sunflowers, one row of basil and an old rickety wheelbarrow full of gerber daisies and white, lacey looking flowers at their flanks.

We have finished enough renovations to live fairly comfortably. The makeshift kitchen is in the garage, but I found my roaster oven which has been amazing. Did you know you can make cheesecake in your roaster oven? I mean, what part of o-v-e-n didn't I understand?!

Construction Man has begun tearing down the water damaged, old kitchen/bathroom/pantry/dinning area of this old house. The patina of a bygone era...
That's what we're calling it all. Sounds quaint, no?

Rode Addy yesterday. We are getting side passes to the left and to the right. She is getting many lessons in splint boots, fly spray and a bouncy, black and white pup with no sense of boundaries. She did step on him by accident the other day coming out of the arena. I asked her to step through the gate and he jumped right under her feet. Addy is not mean and does not want to hurt Hank the Cowdog. He wants to heel us all and nip at our pant legs. Addy does not wear pants and shrinks back when she hears him coming around the corner.

All is well. We are generally overwhelmed at all times. There are many lessons for us to learn by coming back home to a place we never really wanted and tried to sell for so many years. God is good, faithful, and loves us very much! For the Bible tells me so!!

Have a great Saturday. (By the way, still no internet. Using the found Verizon wireless box that Construction Man had hidden in his briefcase. Yeah!)

I hear the squealing moan of the tracks on his excavator. I better get busy.

I love you family. Stay well. Come and see me here at home.

Monday, May 7, 2012

No Internet Service Yet!!

Down in front of the Lamplighter using their internet. All is well.
Got the carpet in, furniture in, laundry room and machines in and running...
So much to do. So little time. But things are moving right along!!

Was thinking this morning about how I worry about the little things. Like using the new, beautiful mattress that is bigger than life... then having to replace it after it is all used up.
Or, the shiny, bright red washer and dryer getting scratched in the move again. Dumb, small worries that waste my time. I know things that are nice should be kept up with, to keep them clean and nice, but I don't need to worry about it. They can be replaced.

If only I worried or did more to preserve relationships in my life as much as these material endeavors. OUCH!! People can't be replaced.

Tell your family you love them very much. :) :) :0 The Lord knows I do!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Moved in...

I've got no internet yet, but am sitting in front of "Chopped"--Lamplighter Inn in Powell typing my blog and paying bills!

We are moved in... well sort of. With extensive water damage due to a leaky shower,(the insurance agent is coming today,) the kitchen, bathroom, pantry, and dining room will have to be wrecked out and a new one installed. I am not sad about this, as the old kitchen was very old.

For now, our kitchen will be in the garage. We did have lots of good help painting the whole house inside, and the new carpet will be finished/installed today. Things are looking up and for the first time in three years, all my stuff is in one space. Now it is time to sort and throw away.

I will type more as soon as the internet is in place.

Have a good day. All is well.