Saturday, May 19, 2012

Four Questions...

"All that mattered boiled down to a few basic questions. Who do I love? Who will I miss? What have I done with my life? Am I ready for what's next? Ever since that day, I've tried to live with those questions more at the forefront." ~~Philip Yancy

This is a quote from Yancy's book "What Good is God?"

He was in an accident and on a gurney for several hours waiting to see if an artery was going to split inside. He could die instantly. The hospital staff gave him his cell phone to call his wife and family to say his goodbyes if need be. He said during those seven hours he lay there, he realized how much of his life was focused on trivial things. At that point he said he was certainly not thinking about how many books he sold, what kind of car he drove (which was headed for the junkyard anyway) or how much money he had in his bank account.

I have read this book once before, but thought I would read it again. It is a recap of some of the talks/lectures he has given over the years to the survivors of tragedies that happen to and atrocities committed against mankind. He tries to solve the age old question: "What good is God?" For those who love God, and I do, the title seems harsh. But it gets your attention. With his words, Yancy does a great job bringing comfort and healing to hurting people... which I believe includes us all.

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