Friday, May 18, 2012


Today is my little brother's birthday. He is the baby in our family. No, really, he is the baby!! I was the baby for seven years and then my mom showed up at the log house in Boulder Park with this black haired, squawking, peeing (inside joke!), wiggling boy. I was mad for years about him taking my rightful position in the family. That he would be the one who would garner all the attention because of his sweet, sweet chubbiness, massive amounts of curly hair, and perfect disposition as the baby of the Gerald Johnson clan.

I used to marvel at how much attention he really did receive from my older sister. She thought he was hers or something... like she would walk right past me to get to him. I just knew I had been replaced.

But I'm sure, (cause I really don't remember,) that it didn't take long for me to realize just how special this little man was! That he really was absolutely gorgeous! And he still is today!

A wonderful brother, an amazing husband who works hard for his family, and loves his wife and four children immensely. He takes care of all of us with his quick wit, great sense of humor and his ornery streak. (That's from being the spoiled baby.)

Now I am glad that it was him and not me because there is not one ornery bone in my body. :) :) :0

Matt, words cannot declare with the fervor I feel inside about how much I adore you, admire you and want all that is good and right for you!

You rock and I love you, little Bro, with all my heart. Hope your day is amazing.

The Theologian, my oldest, and her Uncle Matt. (Where's all that lush, curly, black hair now?) Just teasing!!

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