"Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed." ~~ Emerson
To say that Addy did well on this wagon train would certainly be an understatement. She did above and beyond, fantastically, wonderfully, progressively well in her ability to ride out on the open range and through hill and dale, as if she had been doing so for fifteen years. We practiced our skills learned in the arena: turn arounds, stopping, loping straight away on correct leads, bending, and of course the general rules of leaving the herd, leading the herd, etc.
We even got to round up/chase some cattle that belonged to the owner of the land we were crossing. I honestly believe Addy enjoyed having purpose in her step and I as well, in handling her, when we were on such a concentrated mission to move those cheeky cow/calf pairs over the hill towards the ranch.
I must add that this positive experience has only fueled the flames of my desire to ride such a good horse with more skill, lighter hands and legs.
On towards the end of our three day journey, the younger folks decided to race for the starting point. I joined in the madness at a nice lope ending in a full out run for the roses! This little horse is unstoppable... almost literally! I checked her speed a number of times and she responded well. But in the midst of the wind howling through our ears, and the swirl of dust from thundering hooves, I swear I could hear her laughing with delight at the prospect of fulfilling her potential as a horse.
Horses are meant to be ridden. They are meant to be enjoyed. They are given as a gift from God to man to train, use, care for, and to fill a void deep within our beings. Thus the quote by Emerson.
Of course, this "void" we all have is to be filled only by the love of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus. He alone knows just what we need to enable us to truly live... adventure is certainly a part of the essentials kit!
God's love for us is his grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed. I don't think Emerson would mind giving all the glory to God. :)