Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Less Stuff

"Now that the daylight fills the sky, we lift our hearts to God on high; that He in all we do and say, will keep us free from harm today!" Pastor Bob, at Camp Christikon, used to have us sing this in a round when we went up for the weeklong, family work camp. It was early morning, our pancakes were getting cold and he was directing the cannon from table to table and back again. My kids still tell that story! We are off to Cheyenne today to get the rest of our stuff. My bed set that Construction Man bought for our 25th wedding anniversary, my mother-in-law's china, and lots of books in boxes in the garage there. We rented another house in Cody yesterday and started moving our stuff from the other rented house last night. When people die they leave their stuff. Seems like there is lots of cleaning up after folks even after they are gone. I never much wanted anyone else's stuff. Really just wanted them. Not too sure how to avoid the dividing up of people's stuff cause we all have it. LESS STUFF perhaps... If you move alot you begin to have less stuff! Another lesson in this moving around and being so unsettled all the time thing!
"Now you listen to your mother... people are more important than things!!"

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!!

My how time flies... we are in Mesquite, NV enjoying Thanksgiving with my mom, dad, little brother and his family, all my daughters and Construction Man! When you read this, (because it would not post from my Droid) I will have been home for about 12 hours! The drive was from far, far away... but the memories will last a lifetime. Thank you all for your birthday wishes, I love you. :) Today is Monday in ordinary time... my favorite. There is a hill of laundry, bills are due and we have to move again! We have to head for Cheyenne tomorrow to get the rest of our "stuff" (more on stuff later!) and then get into another house here in Cody. What is the lesson here? Moving and being unsettled all of the time is fun! Keep this in mind... it's all temporary. And guess what? I am fifty years old plus six days. That is so cool! We may never pass this way again... soak it all in, it's a game you can't win, enjoy the ride! (Seals and Crofts and Zac Brown) The going joke at our house is: "Is everything a song to you?" Why yes... I do believe so!
The Virgin River Gorge just south of St. George, UT

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sweet Ride

"Silly boys, trucks are for girls!" I saw this on a bumper sticker in Cody yesterday. Of course you know Cody,Wyoming is the rodeo capital of the world with a rodeo every night from June to August. Folks come from miles around to see the cowboys ride... usually against the wind! I married my husband for his big Chevy pickup with the chrome roll bar... the little, candy apple red corvette with George Strait blaring on the cassette player didn't help at all! This is not a secret to Construction Man... he actually giggles at the thought, knowing full well what he was up to. :)
By the way, tomorrow is the big day! I am so excited. I have never been fifty before. Pretty sure you will hear more. Yep, you can bet on it!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Basted, boiled, scrambled, fried...

Such a great photo of a clutch of eggs... I loved my laying hens. I used to sing to them and they would croon back to me. "Put all your eggs in one basket and give them to God!"

Giving Thanks

Blessed Lord, we pray Thee to be present at our table hallowing Thy gifts to our use; that eating to satisfy our needs we may remember those who lack. -St. Francis of Assisi
Don't forget to remember those whose plate is not as full as yours and mine. In your sphere of influence do a simple, random act of kindness today. A nice compliment to the checker at the grocery store, hug a child and encourage them, give a gift card to someone in need. Clean out your closet and give it away. Hand over your tunic too! Extra coats, hats and gloves? Someone somewhere is cold. Take care of them because you can. Giving thanks may be more than mental assent... but prayer is a great place to start.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Windy Wyoming Home

With the sky all on fire this morning, as I sip my coffee with heavy cream, I continue on my writing journey with favorite pen in hand. Soon the girls will be rising to get to work and Construction Man will arrive with another load of machinery from Cheyenne. The wind relentless blowing, whipping up the snow powder, stacks it next to the neighbor's fence and frees the remaining cottonwood leaves from their branches. Each season has enough joy of its own, enough trial as well. New mercies today... His compassions they fail not. :)
Part of the crew in Canyon De Chelly (I'm second from the left.)
Contruction Man :)
Another part of the crew on the wagon train...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fear is Optional

"There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in a rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then, I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen." Ex. 33:21-23 If you want to stand near God you must stand on the rock He provides. Jesus. But it's not safe and it's not easy and it's most often not pleasant. But to be placed by God on the rock of His choosing is always good and is always love. I have concluded lately that when we too, like Moses, see the backside of God we will also know that the storm has passed and we were tucked safely into the rock's cleft by God's own hand.
My new girlfriend Susan in a cleft of Canyon De Chelly up by Window arch.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm back... :)

Just a quick note to say I have returned from Arizona and the trip on the wagon train. This ought to be fodder to keep me blogging for years!! Such a great time was had by almost all... here are a few photos to get you started.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wagon Train...

Today I leave for Chinle, AZ. We will take the wagons and horses and ten dudes up into the canyon there with a Navajo guide. I will do a photo journal of the trip and share it with you when I return on the 12th of this month. November is here in full force and my fiftieth birthday fast approaches! Then, you get to hear the ordinary ravings of a woman all of fifty years each and everyday for 365 days. Stay tuned, this should be fun!
My nephew in the desert around Mesquite, NV.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Taylor!

Today is our middle daughter's birthday. She is 21 years old. She is so beautiful and has the sweetest heart. Ever since we can remember Taylor has been helping others. She would even stay in at recess to tie Dustin's shoes, a special needs kid, to make sure that he got to go outside with the other kids. Twenty one.... no way. I remember the day she was born. I held that little, tiny dark-haired baby in my arms. I nursed her, I changed her, I loved her so much... still do! Our little Tater-bug. We love you. Happy Birthday to You!!