Friday, December 14, 2012

Change of Scenery

The wintery weather has brought her temperature inversions and a sparkly showing of hoarfrost. We got about an inch or so of snow and not much wind, so the flakes landed perfectly on all things exposed! Such a beautiful sight to wake up to the other morning.

A welcomed guest by the Whitlock Christmas tree this year. We decided to put every ornament we owned on the tree. The Beautician helped me that day as we opened every box of decorations and reminisced about she and her sisters's childhoods.

Gotta love Wyoming. Over 300 days of sun each year. The temps can be well below zero and the sun still shines bright, warming rays.

God's decor for the holiday season. Oh how He loves you and me!

Hello Friday!

I worked at the pregnancy resource center yesterday. The folks of the community have done a great job supporting such a needed place to help young women in need.

Today we continue on the trimming journey. Construction Man is going great guns getting the detail work finished. We still have a ways to go but it's looking lovely.

I am glad to see that Friday has arrived in all her glory! We are having some friends over for dinner tonight. Not sure what I'll cook... need to peruse my cookbooks and find something yummy for a cold wintery night.

I'm looking forward to the visit.

I'll let you know how it all turns out!

Have a great day and enjoy the Christmas season. :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday Morning Coming Down

You know the song. That old tune by Kris Kristofferson which Johnny did so well. I am listening to it right now and my playlist of tunes with the word "Sunday" in the title.

There's Maroon 5 with 'Sunday Morning', Keith Urban with 'Rainin' on Sunday'... (should be snowin' on Sunday!) Yes, it's snowing here; and I am up very early.

Woke up feeling a bit lonely. You see, I should be on a trip to Vegas right now. I should be waking up at my little brother's house, visiting and laughing, heading down to my mom and dad's next. Oh well. Circumstances did not permit a trip at this time.

I had to be mucho mature about making this decision cause I just wanted to go and see people I love and drink a beer with my friend down at the RiRa pub at the Mandalay Bay. (Obviously having a hard time letting it go. So disappointed.)

But today is Sunday. The first day of the week. A day of rest and hopeful planning for the next several days. There is much preparation for The Theologian and her hubby to come for their Christmas visit. Also, Nurse Child turns twenty next Sunday! Yep. No more teenagers at our house...

Construction Man is staining trim boards and I have been trying to tape off and paint the trim in and around the bathroom. Still finishing up the remodel from last May. Oh my! We are making a little headway coming down the homestretch. So many details.

Hank and Addy are enjoying and enduring the colder temps and snow flurries. Hank has so much fur he is just fine racing around the yard reclaiming it from the cat all day long. Addy is cozy in her fur coat as well turning her hind end and tucking her head right after her green breakfast of champions. She lays down every morning for her nap. So spoiled...

Another Sunday morning. There really is nothing wrong. Just feeling a bit lonely for some family lovin'! Just a few people missing this holiday season. :( We'll get by.




Tuesday, December 4, 2012

MOPS Moms and peace...

I spoke this morning at our local chapter of MOPS. That's 'mother's of preschoolers.' What a great group of young ladies and their babies!!

I spoke on having peace this holiday season and forever! We can seek peace and pursue it. Of course, this not going to be easy. But we can do it with a little effort. I simply encouraged these sweet gals to give themselves a break. Be a little more gentle to themselves, be kinder to themselves, cut themselves some slack, and forgive themselves for those thing they've been carrying around for awhile.

Also, to be thankful for what we already have, where we are at and who we are presently. This is a good start to opening up that treasure of peace that only God can provide.

Sounds like some words of wisdom, no? Now, if I can only apply it to myself!!

Find a quiet place today and understand peace. :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012


So, today is Saturday? Really? It feels like Tuesday or Wednesday. Probably cause Thanksgiving seemed like Sunday with so much family over for dinner.

We had upwards of thirty people before it was all said and done. We deep fried one turkey and baked the other one. Everyone contributed to the meal and a good dinner was had by all. Nobody went hungry...

The kids watched movies, wrestled, played 'capture the flag' outdoors, and the adults sampled many red wines, pies and tasty tarts. Not to mention a few different kinds of Alaskan Ale and the old standby Corona. We played Euchre and basically did a lot of talking and laughing. Much needed laugher I'm sure. Many times I wiped the tears from my eyes for laughing so hard!

I can't even imagine how big the space would have to be if both of our families all came to Thanksgiving dinner! Now that would be a wonderful party. :)

Anywho... I need to make my way to the post office and pick up a package. They quit at noon today. Construction Man has many chores lined up for us all to begin staining trim, organizing the shop, (yes, we just did this, but we have three garages!) and getting on with the next big project of installing the bath tub in our upstairs bedroom. It is up there, but needs plumbed and tiled. Oh my... he's a busy guy.

All is well.

Stay warm and tell someone how much they are loved today! People matter more than we think.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy BIrthday to Me!!

This is a pict of my beautiful flowers my Dad and Mom sent for my bday today!! Aren't they just lovely?

Yep. Today I am fifty one years of age. I made it through being fifty. I must admit that I've had a 'failblog' with 365daysof50 the last few weeks with all the happenings around here.

I was the facilities coordinator for our local pregnancy resource center. We had a huge banquet last Thursday night with 224 people in attendance. Lots of financial support was given and the keynote speaker was the sweetest little gal. She had quite a message of hope and life.

Construction Man has been going to town on the finish work of the home renovations. We did have to replace the dishwasher. Lots of trim, porch lights, cleaning out garages and sorting... again! Does it never end? Guess I have to stop bringing stuff home!

Then to top it all off, the weather has been very warm; and a cowgirl must ride her horse while fall breezes pile up golden, leafy drifts. Addy tromps so gingerly through the cracklings. I had her shoes pulled and her feet trimmed up real nice. She has been such a trooper this past summer. As I have noted all she has learned, I am looking to myself and the growth I have incurred this past year as well.

In many things I have had to decide to "grow up" and move forward as opposed to kicking and screaming, and reverting to childhood reactions! Yes, we do get to choose which direction we will be taking.

Don't worry. My first inclination is to take ahold of that bit, bow my neck and run my own direction. But wisdom reminds me of how that worked out in the past. So, my new strategy is to actually stop, think, pray, wait and move more meticulously/cautiously than before. See--I can be taught!

I really need to go and get ready for the day, but I want to tell you one more short story.

While rummaging this morning for a table cloth to cover the card table, two brand new dish towels fell out at my feet. They were a gift from my sister for my birthday two years ago. Funny, I was just complaining that I needed some new dish towels yesterday. And the sweetest thing is that they are flour sack, (my favorite!) and they are covered with printed chickens of all kinds. I didn't cry. I just thanked God for the gift, knowing the lovely hands that sent them in the first place.

I am thankful for sweet memories and the promise of seeing our loved ones again someday real soon.

I love you, my family. Have a great day. Eat lots of food, be glad and enjoy the love and relationships we all share. I think of each of you so fondly and am a very blessed woman. This much I am sure of.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Upon Returning Home

Needless to say, my feet hit the ground running upon my returning home. Bills to pay, meals to prepare, laundry to catch up on, people needing my attention, stalls and kennels to be cleaned, and just the general upkeep of self and surroundings!

We did have one very special happening though... The Beautician turned twenty two on the second and brought a friend to her birthday dinner. We were graced by their presence as we dined on her favorite dish of pork scaloppine. We laughed a lot, hugged a lot, ate a lot and then she was off again to go out with friends for the evening.

What to say, Taylor? We love you so very much and are cheering for you the loudest to complete your schooling and move ahead with your life and career. You are so beautiful and so determined to do things your way! May you find your dreams and desires right in line with what God has planned for your life. :) Many times the words "free spirit" have been used to to describe you by those who adore you. And this is what you are. I pray you soar high above the troubles of this life and encourage others to do the same. You are our sweet Tatorbug and we love you dearly. Thanks for the smiles that you bring.

Construction Man will be home this week for good! Hooray!! We have many decisions to make before the end of the year is up. I just love that man and have the utmost belief in his decision making processes. Together we are unstoppable!! Hurry home, honey!

My trip was unbelievable. My family is so sweet and supportive of me. For this I am truly grateful. Our nephew's wedding was lovely, tender and at times difficult as another one of our precious babies grows up to do adult things.... marriage is not an easy row to hoe!

The EAGALA class in Payson was grueling, insightful, and will take much time to process. I'm sure you will hear more as the days unfurl. Again, I will reiterate: horses are an amazing gift from God. What sense of peace, love and community they contribute to our lives. I am sure my horsey friends will concur-- not to mention the mental health professionals who use them in their equine assisted therapy programs.

Anywho... all is well and today I will have been home for a week already. Thanksgiving fast approaches as the trees turn loose of seasons past. Temps will drop, rain will turn to snow and autumn breezes will whip up into winter frenzies. This too shall pass and 2013 will nose her way into all of our lives if we're blessed enough for her to do so.

Relax and enjoy your Sunday. We are going to do just that here on Rd. 8 in Northwest Wyoming.

The Beautician in all her glory! Love you, Tates!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lots of changes... again!

Construction Man made it back again from Williston. They have to go one more time before the snow flies.
We will attend my nephew's wedding in Utah this weekend and enjoy my family for a short time. I am very excited for this!

Then, I will attend a class in a neighboring town for a few days through EAGALA. This stands for Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association.

I would eventually like to develop a program in our community that involved women and children in this very process designed for growth, learning, and healing from emotional issues... maybe even developmentally delayed kids, etc. Horses do so much for people in so many areas of our lives. They are a great gift from God!

As I near my fifty first birthday and read back over this blog I am filled with joy at the thought of my fiftieth year of life being so full and hopeful. I have come a long way in so many areas of my life and I am grateful for the people who have cheered me on in this endeavor as well as all the other goals I have achieved in 365 days.

Will I continue to blog? We'll see! :) It is a great way to keep in touch with family spread so far and wide across the continent.

I'll let you know how the class goes and my future plans for college, my returning husband's exciting plans for our future and that of my children.

Have a good week.

my own creation...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday. I am here in Northwest Wyoming where the weather has turned to cold, and she is there in the desert of Nevada where the weather is just becoming comfortably less warm. I long to be there hugging her...

I am happy for my parents to live in their beautiful home, peacefully retired after lifelong service to their children/family! Having said all that, I realize now that my parents never stopped serving their children. They still love each of us with such deep and lasting love. They are amazing examples of how a parent does love their children. Thank you, Dad and Mom.

Oh, Mom! How does a daughter convey her love in a paragraph of simple words. I don't believe I possess the capabilities nor mastery of the English language to do our love enough justice!

I shall start with 'thank you.' Thank you to God for placing me in your care. How you lovingly and dutifully fed me, clothed me, bathed me, taught me, encouraged me and exampled to me a good mother so that your grand daughters could benefit as well. A mother's legacy of love handed down. God knew you would rise to this honorable calling of motherhood with the nobility of the fiercest of warriors. After all, what mother, like a grizzly sow, would not fight anyone or anything that might come between she and her cub? And this is how you defend your children. We have always known that we were loved with a fierce love! Thank you.

The word tenderness comes to my mind. I've watched you navigate some very rough waters over the years, and I recognize that face of utter concern when situations are at their most serious. I have watched you love my siblings through very difficult times and that only reinforces the fact that you are there for me in the same capacity. Thank you.

Your hugs, words of wisdom and encouragement carry great weight in my decision making. You have always said that I could do anything I put my mind to. Thank you for that. I still believe you and therefore I will continue to try!

I've watched you love my dad with complete forgiveness and strength that I am not sure even you know you possess. You have more "try" than anyone I have ever met. An unsurpassed determination to make things right... Therefore, I try harder to make this world a better place as far as it is concerned with me. Thank you.

You are Fancy Nancy! You are gorgeous, with impeccable taste in hair, make-up and clothing. I always tell the story of how each day, at the time dad would be coming home from work you would fix up a bit, no matter what chore you were in the middle of (and there were many!), to greet him at the door looking lovely.

Not to mention your taste in music! And this also a gift you passed on to your children! We all love music because you used to put Johnny Rivers, Tom Jones, Barbara Streisand, and Bob Seger on the stereo and we would dance around the living room (and shout off the deck!) You are an amazing singer.

As you can see, Mom, you have filled my life with life. I can't even begin to tell of all you have done for me, inside and out. I just know that I love you and need you. We will be together soon for the joyous occasion of your grandson's wedding. I can hardly wait to hug you.


Your old car

Me and Addy

Family lovin'

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Red Door

I've been painting my front door and side lights. We are very excited to be closing in on the renovations. Not to mention the joy of less watering with the cooling temps and harvest near completion.

I have freed close to fifty pumpkins from their vine entanglement. :) They seem glad to have found a home adorning my entry way. I know it makes me smile!

However, Hank has taken a liking to dried corn on the cob. I was saving it for my chickens but he shreds every ear he can get his paws on. He will be a year old on the twenty fifth of October. So much for corn decor. Maybe he will grow up soon...

Two Nurse Children... engagement picts.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Theologian! (For Yesterday...)

See! See how busy I have become this past week. I did not forget to wish my oldest child happy birthday, but failed to blog about this remarkable little lady!

Oh, forgive me sweet child. You must know I love you more than my own life. :)

Where does a mother's loving thoughts begin with that oldest daughter. The one she has known the longest out of all her children! The one that kept her company in those earlier years when the dad was out of town earning a living for his little family. The one who knows every word to every early Garth Brooks tune. The one who could read before she could read! The one who understands more than even she understands that she understands.

Is it hard being you, Theologian? Gifts given by God that will not reveal themselves before their time has come. Patience!

You have blessed this family more than words can say. You have loved us all so well with your perfect smile and infectious laughter. You giggle at just the right time, always. You never fail to please... another one of your best traits. You try so hard in every task and I've never seen you quit, unless forced to do so! This determination runs deeper than the strongest of currents. I am just sure you're going to need someday, somehow.

The tears choke my throat, as I miss you terribly and long to hug your neck! I know this road you are on right now doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But, in due time you will see why.

How do I convey how much I love you?

I don't know. But I do. We all love you... a huge cloud of witnesses cheering you on. Run the race well, daughter. It's gonna be worth it.

Happy Birthday, Austin Claire Whitlock Hackworth.


This year's party would have been even better!! :)

time passing...

Oh how the days, like waves upon the ocean, roll by. Like memories, forward and back I play the scenes in my head; rewinding the tape over and over. He said, she said... Undulating, sometimes pulling me downward to despair; sometimes pulling me to the surface for a breath.

Wedding venues? Really? Is it time to let another of my precious babies go into their life of womanhood? Of wifely duties, home care and children of their own. Seasons of life; cycles in every lifetime. The human experience in which all mankind shares. 'Nothing new under the sun' is how King Solomon describes it.

Construction Man has been home since Monday evening. It is so joyful at the start and becomes cloudier as the week progresses. Emotions flare in preparation for his departure once again. I hate this! You'd think after all these years we would be better at good byes. NOT!

He accomplished a good many tasks toward completion of the renovated kitchen this go'round. His handcrafted, concrete countertops are installed with the open, stainless steel shelving in place, full of plain white porcelain dishes and stainless bowls.

The exterior walls are sheeted and receiving their white paint today. No more TYVEK plastic glaring at front door guests.

I am planning for the fall decor at the front door as well. So many pumpkins have matured in the garden out the back gate. I can't wait to get my hands on them and create some MarthaStewartesque scenes!

Enjoy the last notes of summer. September has opened and is already beginning her descent into October. Where does the time go? I ask myself this question often.

Oh, and call your mother if you can. Sorry, Mom! I got carried away with all the wifely duties this week. :)

Tell someone how special they are and that you love them.
It's all gonna be worth it.

Go Martha!

Northern Michigan

Nurse Child and Fiance

Monday, September 17, 2012

Saving the Vineyard

I spent the other night in my friend Baerbell's vineyard. We were rescuing the beautiful clusters of red and white grapes from the robins that were hungrily attacking; methodically stripping the vines of their luscious fruits. Tomorrow she harvests. I have to go to "Chopped" and will not be able to attend the party. DANG!! I have looked forward to this moment since June.

But I am thankful to have been able to relieve her of her vineyard vigil for one night as she returned to her bed in the house for some rest. My friend, her husband and myself slept in our bedrolls right next to the vines only to arise in the morning to find that the robins had doubled their efforts and called all their friends to join in the robbery!

We managed to scare them off time and time again with the shot gun blasts, but robins are not easily swayed. Who knew? We eventually wrapped all the bunches with netting in the hope of preserving them for Tuesday morning.

I can hardly wait to taste the wine. She will transport the grapes to Billings to a vintner there.

Oh the time in watering a pruning has she invested. I only spent six hours one afternoon early on in the season helping with this process and feel like those shiny black and creamy orbs are my babies too!

I will never look at a robin the same way again!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


"Beware the barrenness of a busy life." ~~ Socrates

In the last year and a half of my life I have proven this statement true by the sheer quietness that surrounds me.

You may think that I am always busy, but alas I am not. There is much down time. Time to reminisce. Time to weed the garden. Time to do the dishes. Time to take care of minor details and major ones. Time to write out a birthday card for a nephew or niece. Seems like I am doing more of what I should be doing, and less of what I have dreamed up to please other people.

I feel as though I am coming through the grief of losing family members and that I am ready to embrace the second calling, or second half of my life again. I realize that nothing has changed in the world, but the changes are happening inside of me.

I got off of the carousel for a time. I put an end to the madness. I went back to my roots. Broke a horse, got a puppy to love and stayed home more. This year we really went all the way back to where we began nineteen years ago by coming home to Road 8. I planted a lush garden, got a part time job within our community and received mail in the usual place. I have cooked more again, very much loved on my hubby and kids and basically went back to basics.

I no longer feel barren and cold. I am warmed by the rays of autumn and the joy of an ordinary life. There is peace in being who we are...who we were created to be. I look forward to the holidays. I love the fall. Cool air and warm sun. Reminds me of riding my first horse, Candy, through our woods and by our lake in Northern Michigan. I just couldn't wait to get off that school bus and get outside before it got dark. With no saddle and our dog Pete following along, we'd ride through the crackling leaves, taking in the aroma of the black dirt turned up by my mare's hooves. The lake would be still as the earth prepared for a long winter's nap.

"To everything, there is a season." ~~ God

Everything belongs in this day. God will add or leave out what is necessary. His purpose for us remains: To love Him and glorify Him forever. We do so by simply being ourselves. Season after season of life...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Stills...

Faces of loved ones.

Our kids in Mexico.

New mama

The Beautician

Duncan... Cowboy extraordinaire

Tristan and his hen

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed." ~~ Emerson

To say that Addy did well on this wagon train would certainly be an understatement. She did above and beyond, fantastically, wonderfully, progressively well in her ability to ride out on the open range and through hill and dale, as if she had been doing so for fifteen years. We practiced our skills learned in the arena: turn arounds, stopping, loping straight away on correct leads, bending, and of course the general rules of leaving the herd, leading the herd, etc.

We even got to round up/chase some cattle that belonged to the owner of the land we were crossing. I honestly believe Addy enjoyed having purpose in her step and I as well, in handling her, when we were on such a concentrated mission to move those cheeky cow/calf pairs over the hill towards the ranch.

I must add that this positive experience has only fueled the flames of my desire to ride such a good horse with more skill, lighter hands and legs.

On towards the end of our three day journey, the younger folks decided to race for the starting point. I joined in the madness at a nice lope ending in a full out run for the roses! This little horse is unstoppable... almost literally! I checked her speed a number of times and she responded well. But in the midst of the wind howling through our ears, and the swirl of dust from thundering hooves, I swear I could hear her laughing with delight at the prospect of fulfilling her potential as a horse.

Horses are meant to be ridden. They are meant to be enjoyed. They are given as a gift from God to man to train, use, care for, and to fill a void deep within our beings. Thus the quote by Emerson.

Of course, this "void" we all have is to be filled only by the love of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus. He alone knows just what we need to enable us to truly live... adventure is certainly a part of the essentials kit!

God's love for us is his grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed. I don't think Emerson would mind giving all the glory to God. :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wagon Train

The trip has come to pass and everything was fabulous! The preparations were grueling but doable. And it really paid off to pre cook, pre bake and pre pare to feed the masses. We feasted on ribs, beans, shepherds pie, sloppy joes and assorted breads, fruits, veggies, eggs, bacon, pancakes, pbj sandwiches etc...

Everyone ate in abundance, laughed and rode their mounts just the same. We traveled a little over thirty miles in three days and saw some of the most beautiful country. The kids that were in attendance had a blast racing around the wilderness unhitched from computers, video games and the like. They were free to be children in the purest of environments with so much love and encouragement by the adults that were there.

We had folks from England, Australia and Germany. It was great fun trading stories and traditions, and just plain sweet getting to know one another as we rode along following the four wagons hitched to their magnificent teams. (I don't need to tell you how amazing the horse is... One of God's greatest creatures!) It was quite a caravan of thirty five people.

The dirt under my nails will take time to wear off, the bruises on my legs will fade, the sunburned cheeks and arms will heal, but I hope the memories will be vivid and alive for the rest of my life.

EPIC! This is how this trip will be remembered. Everyone safe, home and back to work-- with a plan to do it all over again next year.

You should make a plan to go next time!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Labor Day Wagon Train

I'm planning the menu for the wagon train over Labor Day up to the Pryors again.
I look forward to riding, cooking and singing... probably not all at the same time but perhaps in that order!

I will go up to Kelly's house tomorrow to solidify the eats and head for the sprawling metropolis of Billings next week for groceries.

I'll be making ribs, beans and cornbread the first night, pancakes, french toast and biscuits and gravy for breakfasts, cold cuts, fruits and cheeses for lunches, shepherds pie and sloppy joes the other two evenings. I will do many preparations in advance as I don't think we can have a campfire up there due to the extreme drought conditions. :(

I got the ole Guild guitar restrung today. I restrung Nurse Child's as well. She bought a Fender acoustic last summer and is teaching herself to play. She loves Mumford and Sons. They are a bluegrass/folk/rock band from the UK. We love their tunes. Even Construction Man sings along!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Virginia Patterson Hensley, born in West Virginia in 1932, won an Authur Godfrey talent program in 1957 with the smash hit "I Go Walkin' After Midnight." And the rest, as they say, is history. She died in a plane crash at the age of 31 in Tennessee. The year I was born, 1961, and also 1962, she was the number one female artist in the nation! Though I didn't grow up listening to Pasty Cline, I still enjoy her work.


I'm crazy for feelin so lonely
I'm crazy for feelin so blue

I knew
You'd love me as long as you wanted
and then someday
You'd leave me for someone new

Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do

For thinkin that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin
and crazy for cryin
and crazy for lovin you

How does she sing like that?!!
So resonant, deep and full. This song is lyrically and musically genius.
Where were you when you first heard this song?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Birthday Day!

Today is my brother's birthday. He passed away several years ago but his sweet, sweet spirit, laughter and love for us all lives on in our hearts and memories. He'd be 52 today.
And handsome.... oh my! His eyes sparkled and his laugh was contagious. He was always there for the underdog, taking care of people just the way we are supposed to be.
David was very sensitive and it never seemed like he belonged in this world--almost like he was an old soul that knew way too much.

I loved my big brother... I love him still. And I know he loved our family very much.

He once wrote a poem. I think it was in the fifth grade. I still remember it...

"I have a dog, he's black and tan;
and it's been said he's best friend of man.

He has long ears that drag the ground,
and my dad says he's a huntin' hound.

But when we're out on the rabbit trail
there's one thing that we find:

Old Rover ain't way out in front--
he always walks behind."

Cutie Petutie!

I'm in the middle. Right where I should be!

Here's a fish for you! I remember the pike heads you used to nail to my barn wall on Susan Lake!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Sunrise Stills

My camera rocks!! Thanks for looking and loving and sharing your life with me. Have a most amazing Sunday. And remember, God is in His heavens and all is well.